The movie He’s Just Not That Into You came on TV this weekend and I just had to
It’s a chick-flick that features an adorable desperate girl (played by
my fav Ginnifer Goodwin) who serves as a compilation and slight hyperbole of everything girls do
when they pine after a guy who’s just not that into them.
It’s a pretty funny movie, and it does bring to light a lot of things
that girls and guys tend to do in relationships – especially when one is “chasing”
the other to no avail.
If you’ve ever chased someone who’s just not that into you (e.g. it starts on
the recess playground), and spent time wishing something would change, you know
it can be a pretty awful feeling.
It’s one of the most distracting and all encompassing things. And it
usually leads nowhere except down a long, long road of analysis, drama, and
false hope.
With Valentines Day coming up this week, it can be a fun time for some
and a slightly depressing time for others. I was single many Valentines Days
and can remember that feeling all to well.
If you have a special person in your life to spend Valentines Day with –
awesome, enjoy it. For those of you who are single and loving it – have a great
day to and just forget about this
stupid-holiday-created-by-the-greeting-card-companies. ;)
And for those of you who have someone you are wishing would be into you –
think about really letting them go. He’s Just Not That Into You is a great
reminder that people can sometimes put too much of their great energy into a
person who just doesn’t deserve it or appreciate it. It happens to almost all
of us, and it says nothing about who you are.
What kills me is when I see students struggling with classes and look
generally drained of their usual life and energy because of a relationship that
just isn’t happening. It affects their grades, their happiness, and their general zest for life.
The irony of He’s Just Not That Into You is that almost everyone ends up
with a relationship at the end. But life doesn’t always work that way. And when
great relationships happen they almost never evolve out of the kind of pining
and wishing and chasing after someone who just doesn’t like you the way you
wish they did.
If you ever find yourself in a place where you’re not genuinely chasing
after your life because you’re chasing after someone else, put a stop to it.
Let go. Find friends and other activities to replace the spot where you were
giving your attentions to someone who just doesn’t see you that way.
And remember – the best relationships, the times when someone is really
into you, will usually occur when you are fully yourself, fully in engaging in
your own life with vigor and joy – not worrying or wishing after anyone and simply
engaging with your future, seeing what happens along the way.
Happy Vday <3
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