“They’re going to bring their dreams along to share!”
– Goofy
“Aww- Phooey! Nobody believes in dreams anymore!” –
Donald Duck
“Oh Donald! You mean you don’t believe in dreams? But
everyone believes in dreams! You see, that’s the only way dreams can come
true!” – Minnie
“You see Donald, everyone has a dream. You just have
to believe!” -Mickey
[by believing in dreams Donald saves Disney from all
the villains]
“Donald! By believing in your dreams you saved the
day!” – Minnie
“That’s right Donald. By remembering about the power
of dreams, you reminded us all that when we believe in ourselves and our
friends and our family there’s nothing we can’t do! When you find the dream
inside your heart, anything is possible!” - Mickey
I spent my Christmas at Disney World this past week and these were lines from the live Dream Along With Mickey show at the Cinderella Castle. This was the first time I’d seen this
show and some of the lines above struck me more than I thought any Disney show
could -- and it reminded me about sharing with you some of the most important tips I have to help you make your dreams come true.
A few things stood out to me in this show and I want to share them with you so you can reflect on your own dreams this
year and actually make them come true. Sound impossible? Sound cheesy? Then you
might be a Donald.
What struck me most when
this show started was Donald’s stubborn attitude. It seemed even Disney knew in
these recession and post-modern times that most people see “dreams” as a silly and
naïve notion. And thus it needed to be addressed that in these times it
often feels like “nobody believes in dreams anymore.” What about you?
I have to admit, I’m an incurable Mickey. I still believe in the power and beauty of finding something you care
about, are passionate about, are excited about, and making it happen. I believe
it takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice, failure, and perseverance. But I
believe it starts with believing.
And I believe you can make your dreams come true.
First, you must find or create your dreams, as Mickey says “When you find the dream
inside your heart, anything is possible!”
I know it may sound
ridiculous that my eyes watered at this point in the show but it’s because I’m
such a Mickey. I thought about how deeply I do believe this, and what made me
both happy and kind of sad is thinking about how many beautiful children and people in the
world don’t - can’t - find or believe in their dreams because they don’t have anyone in their life to tell them that who they are and what they bring to the world is so valuable. Do you have people like this in your life? Do you believe? Or have you lost that?
What I’ve learned
this year more than anything is the incredible power unleashed when someone else believes in you and
sets your heights higher than you could have ever set for yourself.
But, the thing is, not
everyone always has these people in their lives. Which is why we can’t always
rely on others and must find it within ourselves.
You have to believe in yourself and believe that if you believe in yourself, define your dreams – whatever they may be –
and believe that anything is possible amazing things will happen in your life. And though it may not mean much, I believe in you.
The only catch is, believing in yourself is really, really hard to do. It’s easy to feel like a Donald. I have my Donald
moments too.
But the truth is, if you
don’t actually believe what you want for your life can happen, then it is
guaranteed not to happen. If you even want the chance you have to believe. Like
Henry Ford says,
“whether you think you can
or think you can’t, [either way] you’re right!”
What do you want to happen
this year? Have you defined your dreams? Are you excited about your endeavors
in 2012? Do you believe you’re capable of achieving them?
Dare to be optimistic in a
pessimistic world.
Believing is the first
step. But simply believing alone is not enough. You can’t just wish your life –
you do have to take action. And I have found the best way to start is to write
down your goals and be specific.
I’m not talking about
resolutions. As one of my favorite authors Christine Hassler says, resolutions
don’t work because they’re just about trying to do something “more, better or
different.” Her New Years ritual is my favorite and I highly recommend you
do it!
I did mine two days ago and
added a few things. In addition to doing Christine’s practice I also did a
watercolor painting (I am not an artist but got a watercolor set for Christmas
and have been having a blast! My skills are on par with a 4th
grader’s, and I have as much fun as a kindergartner) of an ocean view that I
dream of having one day.
I also made a collage of pictures and words that
represented who I wanted to be and what I wanted to accomplish this year. It
was so much fun and now I have great visuals that I’ve taped to my closet door along with a typed document that lists my 6 goals and a short paragraph I wrote last year that explains who I want to be (written in the present tense).
The final step that I will
be doing today is turning my dreams into specific measurable goals. Writing
down these measurable goals are not about putting pressure on yourself, but
about defining specifically what it is you want to accomplish so that you know
how to best prioritize your time and energy. I tape my goals to my mirror and
see them every day as a reminder to think about how I’m spending my time.
All of my goals pictured
above came true this year except for one (running a 10K). I wrote this in the winter and at the time loved running outside in the cool weather. But in Florida….I
realized I only liked to run about 3 months out of the year. I don’t beat
myself up over this. I simply reflect, think about why it didn’t work, and will
be creating a different fitness goal for myself this year.
The most powerful part of
this process is it reminds you of your priorities. It’s so easy to get bogged
down in the unimportant. Define what you want, and if you see it every day you
will spend the time necessary to make big things happen and eliminate the
wasteful ways in which you spend your time this year.
And finally, when you write
your goals, be specific. Here are the points I follow, but of course
there are many strategies to write goals and you can find what is best for you.
The key is if it works for you:
- Be very specific and
measurable. Have a due date and don’t make all of them Dec 31. Give yourself goals that
have due dates throughout the year.
- Have about 3-6 goals. Focus
on things that really matter to you and don’t overwhelm yourself with too many
things to accomplish in one year. The more focused you are the more attainable
your goals will be.
- Reach and be realistic.
When I say realistic I don’t mean you should sell yourself short. You should
reach as high as possible, even a bit higher than you think is possible. However,
be realistic when it comes to your strengths and talents. And most of all, be
realistic in writing goals you really care about, not things you think you “should”
write…because those won’t work.
- Reflect before you write
your goals and don’t be afraid to dream big. Start by writing all of your goals
out without thinking and then narrow them down to what is really important to
- Write, showcase, and share them anywhere and everywhere around your room so you can see them every day.
I know both Christine and
mine’s processes seem to take a lot of time and energy. But I promise you if
you dedicate just an hour or two to this process and really do it completely,
you will have year unlike any you can ever imagine. I know this because last year I did
this all of this for the first time and had a year that was indeed a year I could
never have believed.
I still literally can’t
believe it.
Carving out that time and
focusing on what is really important to you will make all the difference in the world for your 2012. What in your life would you like
to accomplish this year? You can make it happen!
Block off some time for
yourself in your calendar right now to reflect and write about what you want to do this year. Invest in
your life – your dreams. And believe they are possible.