
From 2010 until 2015 I ran and created the content for both CommunityCollegeSuccess.com and FirstJobOutofCollege.com. The sites are full of free content because I believe as much free content as possible should be available to college students in order to help foster their success. And because my book is for sale through my publishers, my intention is for that item to be the only cost I will ever incur on students.

During that time I ran a business as a consultant, spokesperson, speaker, and freelance writer. On occasion, the blog will link to pieces that I have written as a freelance journalist or to pieces that I have produced, co-created, or filmed for companies that I work with as a spokesperson or consultant (such as my paid work with the Pearson cause marketing campaign I developed called "One Professor").

I am very clear in my stipulations when I work with any company that I will only share with students projects or causes that I deeply believe will help them in their college journey.

On occasion I’ll also recommend outside articles, resources, or pieces from other journalists, or feature professionals in an informational interview. I do this based upon what I find interesting, what I think will add value to helping students succeed, and my experience working in higher education - not based upon a paid relationship unless otherwise noted.

Finally, on the most rare of occasions, I may be sent a product to review on the site. In the case that I ever do this, I will let you know in the blog itself if I was given the product to review. If I do mention an item and don’t say that I got it for free, you can be assured it is something I have purchased of my own accord and find helpful enough to share because it is simply something I really like.

I know this is a bit formal and boring, but I want to make sure that as the site continues to grow, you know where the direction of the site comes from (me!) and how things that end up on the site are decided.

I truly believe that all students should have access to college success and I hope to continue to deliver content that can aid in that journey. Thank you so much for being a reader. 

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