Monday, March 26, 2012

A spring fling...scratch that, I mean a spring filing.

Study Tipping Tuesday
Getting your files organized 

So I have a confession to make. I love puns. 

And I love puns-for-titles even more. 

As cheesy as my title might be now, it took more effort than you can imagine to avoid using X-files in the name of this post. 

Today's study tip is really really simple: 
Organize your files to save yourself from the turmoil of not being able to find important information when you need it. 

You are swarmed with e-mails and documents every day - and trust me - when you get a job it only gets worse. These documents often seem incredibly unimportant - until the moment you need them and cannot remember where they are.

The key is developing a file system (I told you this was a sexy topic). 

Seriously though, it will save you more headaches than you can imagine. 

My favorite filing box.

Step 1: Buy a small, cheap, filing box. 
Step 2: Use it (e.g. create files for things such as: FAFSA info/PIN, tax info, transcripts, degree audits, standardized test scores, diplomas, awards, resumes, product manuals, college application mailings, etc.)

Word Docs
Step 1: Create a lot of clearly labeled folders and files on your computer.
Step 2: Use them (e.g. organize by semester, by classes, and then combine folders into archives when you're done). 

Step 1: Create a lot of labels for your e-mail (I'm a huge fan of Gmail).
Step 2: Use them (e.g. clean out your e-mail at least once a day and label things away when you're done with them. What's also helped me tremendously is keeping an e-mail marked as unread until I've replied to it and am ready to file away). 

Happy Filing! ;)

To read more about Isa's personal story & how you can build relationships to: make positive friends, be more successful in academics and work, find the right people to connect with, and access the hidden job market, grab a FREE e-copy of the first chapter of Community College Success: How to Finish with Friends, Scholarships, Internships, and the Career of Your Dreams! Claim your free copy on the Facebook page!

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