*Weekend 4Cast*
The 4 things I'm dying to tell you that can't wait until Monday
1 – Inspiring Person: Erica –
Erica was the President of the SGA that I advised when I first started working as a Student Life Coordinator and I will never forget her because she will always be the first President I ever advised. She is about to graduate and is working a part-time job at the college and we stopped to talk for a moment when I was walking up the stairs to my office. And all of a sudden I realized wow, I’m not talking to one of “my students” (as I endearingly like to call them) I’m practically talking to a peer.
I thought of that girl I met over a year ago and the woman that I talked to yesterday. Erica is the kind of student who takes EVERY piece of advice and implements it and has grown up and matured so much in only 1 year. So what can you learn from Erica? Be the president of something. Listen to your advisers/mentors and take their advice – not only will you grow but they will love you for it and will sing your praises any time you need a recommendation letter or a job reference. Erica inspires me to remember we can always grow and improve - if we want to.
2 – Money: Working in College –
So many students come to my office struggling with their grades because they are so busy working. Meanwhile scholarships are going unclaimed. If you truly dedicate yourself you can get paid to go to college and actually enjoy the experience. Read all about how in my free gift in the top right hand corner of this blog. It’s going to be changing soon so if you haven’t gotten it yet don’t miss out :)
3 – Books: “I want to help people” –
I have had dozens of students come into my office and say “I don’t know what I want to do for my career, I just know I want to help people.” I think something admirable about many in this generation is that they do really want their careers to matter – to them and to others. But with so many choices and a world that seems to make you choose between making lots of money in business or making very little in non-profit or education it can feel daunting. Work On Purpose by Lara Galinsky profiles college students just like you in their journey towards mapping out their path to help people in their jobs. I can’t put it down.
4 –Fashion: Mixing Patterns –
So I slept in one morning and was rushing to get dressed. I put on one of my favorite butterfly-patterned whimsical silk tops and grabbed the first sweater I could find - a conservative black and white cardigan. I checked real quick in the mirror and thought I was going to look like a mis-matched mess but it ended up looking kinda cool.
To offset the different patterns/styles I didn’t wear any jewelry and put on a pair of tan pumps. As silly as that seems it inspired me that day. And the next few days I started mixing up patterns and colors and felt like I had a brand new wardrobe. Try it and you’ll see. The key is stick to two mixed patterns/colors and keep everything else neutral.
Yes I was so excited by the pattern mix I took a picture 2 share on Weekend 4Cast ;) |
I love the last minute outfit!